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TRADITIONAL ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH in its integrity is a treasure, and being a treasure, it is difficult to be found in these times in which everything seems to be lacking Authenticity, Solemnity, Beauty, Goodness and Truth.

Decades ago, but particularly after the Second Vatican Council, the Church entered into a grave crisis without precedent in her history. Grave errors were enthroned even in the highest places of the hierarchy. Priests, religious and faithful were obliged to abandon the structure in order not to abandon the Catholic Faith. Many congregations drastically changed to adapt themselves to the “spring time” of the church that never arrived. Instead, in the words of Pope Paul V, “the smoke of Satan entered into the Church”.

That’s why we, religious and faithful, following the teachings of the Doctor Zelantissimus (Most Zealous Doctor) St. Alphonsus Liguori and trusting in the guidance of the perennial magisterium of the Church unaltered by centuries before the Second Vatican Council, are forced to continue the work of the traditional Redemptorists in the Society of the Most Holy Redeemer, rejecting the errors promulgated officially by the Council, keeping the integrity of the doctrine as it was before and separating ourselves from any other Redemptorist congregation that accepts them. In doing so, we recognize the Popes after the council but, because they had fallen into error on several topics we believe the Catholic may, in good faith and conscience, resist their errors. We understand the great suffering that can be caused in the faithful souls by the many nefarious declarations of the current authorities that govern the hierarchy, but we do not believe that sedevacantism is the proper answer to the crisis of the Church.

Therefore, we purpose to conduct religious, charitable and educational activities as a society inspired in the traditional Redemptorist spirit: promoting, maintaining, protecting and teaching the Traditional Holy Roman Catholic Religion for the preservation of our spiritual and cultural values in society.

St. Alphonsus wrote:

“I hope to save my soul, and I hope, in the next world, to treat with God on the affairs of the Congregation. But I say to each one who despises the advice that I have (here) written, that at the day of the judgment he will have me for his first accuser before the Tribunal of Jesus Christ”.

We also hope to save our souls, as the great missionaries used to insist to the multitudes, and because we don’t want to see our Blessed Father St. Alphonsus as an accuser in our final judgement, and because we don’t want to hear from God those terrible words, “You also contributed to the attempt to destroy my Church” is why we act in this situation of necessity, working hard to bring the Redemption of Christ especially to the most abandoned people as we were commanded by Christ the Redeemer, “in whom we have redemption through his blood” (HABEMUS REDEMPTIONEM PER SANGUINEM EIUS, as our motto says).

May the Most Holy Redeemer, the Blessed Virgin of the Immaculate Conception -our Mother of Perpetual Help- and all the Saints help us in our mission, which is expressed in the most essential principle of our law: The salvation of souls. “SALUS ANIMARUM SUPREMA LEX EST.